carp fishing france
I love carp fishing. I love the challenge. I love the sound of a Micron going off at 3 in the morning. I even love it when it's blowing a hoolie and raining buckets. But there are a few things about carp fishing that really really bug me. As a carp fisherman, I take care of the fish and the fisheries I visit. Perhaps it is time to bring in a fishing test before people can apply for a fishing license. Just a theory test would educate some of the people who give the rest of us a bad name.
You know the sort. The broom sticks and washing line guys. I remember once on a local day ticket water, there was this guy fishing down the other end of the lake. I'd had a couple of decent fish earlier on when I saw this guy struggling with what looked like a monster. I know there were carp to 30lb in the lake so assumed he had latched into a biggie, although he didn't have much of a bend in his rod. About 20 minutes went by and he was still playing the same fish. I reeled in and wandered down to him. He was just stood there while this poor carp was circling around right beneath the rod tip. I suggested he might give it a bit of wellie and he told me "I've only got 20lb line on and I don't want it to snap". Eventually he took my advice and leant back gently and a whopping great 6lb mirror carp popped to the surface. I duly helped him net it and told him to hold the net in the water while I trekked back to my swim in disgust to get an unhooking mat as he didn't have one.
Line left on the banks bugs all decent fishermen, but when you find a barbed hook on it and a lead weight TIED ON my blood boils. If that rig had snapped of in the water, you'd have had dead carp on your hands. As it was, it hooked nothing but my leg. It hurt like hell, but I had wire clippers with me, so no harm done as I had recently had a tetanus jab. The thing is, it could have been a bird, swan, a dog or worst of all a child. Like I said, a fishing test might be the answer.
I haven't got a clue how it would work in practice, and I'm sure half the idiots out there doing these things probably don't hold licenses anyway, but I think it might be worth looking into a little further. What do you think?
carp fishing france
By Dave Offen